Sold Selling [JP] Four Awesome Acct Stacked w/ Five & Four Stars, Amazing CEs!

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by thetreasoner, 7/3/17.

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  1. thetreasoner

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    I have these FGO JP accounts for the prices listed. Prices ARE #, but within reason.

    #1 Raikou, Moriarty, Siegfried, Astolfo, Assassin of Shinjuku, Kaleidoscope - $15

    #2 2x Ishtar, Francis Drake, Emiya, Anne Bonny & Mary Reed, Nursery Rhyme, Stheno, 3x Ibaraki Douji, Frankenstein's Monster, 2x 2030, Kaleidoscope - $20

    #3 Ishtar, Quetz, Atalanta, Nuersery Rhyme, 2x Stheno, 2x Ibaraki, Frankenstein's Monster, 2x Tamamo Cat, Kaleid, 2030 - $20

    #4 NP2 Ishtar, Mordred, Orion, Karna, NP2 Quetzalcoatl, NP2 Tamamo no Mae, Shuten Douji, Chevalier, Siegfried, Assassin of Shinjuku, Assassin Emiya, Carmilla, Stheno, Ibaraki Douji, Frankenstein's Monster, Hercules, Gorgon, has 5* CE but no Kaleid or 2030s - $50

    message me here or PM me if you're interested.
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