Sold Selling Jordine-Witch 58 with Kzarka

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ciaociao123, 10/25/16.

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  1. ciaociao123

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    I sell in server Jordine a witch 58,50% with Kzarka, 183 ap 217 Dp, 7 package from shop in bag, lot of costumes, t6 horse, over 40 workers (over 10 min afk per day), pirate node lv 10, Bashin node lv 7, 180m cash, lot of craft materials, 330 energy, 280 CP
    In the same account there are a 49 ninja with cvostumes, 53 ranger with costume bronze dagger pri and Yuria pri with costumes (nice for world boss), tamer lv 6 (high fishing, processing and gathering)
    4 pet t3
    i also sell another account with a Wizard lv 56 with decent gear (pri Liverto Duo dagger grunil Duo) with also a ranger lv 56 (with costumes) and pet, workers, and t6 horse 30m cash

    I also trade first account (witch 58 ect) for a Valkirye with so and so the same gear/lv or I sell
    Contact me, the price is low... also at 366 3620959 trough WA for photos and other Questions about the 2 accounts
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