Selling Selling it all! Many 4/7 5's and sk40's incl sk40...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy and Sell, 10/2/14.

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  1. Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Selling it all! Many 4/7 5's and sk40's incl sk40 Obi JM! Selling all my formation cards, some great stuff to be bought here! Prices are non #, only msg if u intend to buy. Can offer a small # if u buy multiple cards... 5* 4/7 Obi Jm sk40 - 209$ 3 X 4/7 Yoda Sabre - 109$ each 2 X 4/7 Yoda Exile - 75$ each 4/7 lando sk40 - 105$ 4/7 Ackbar sk9 - 45$ Base Yoda Sabre + base QGJ - 39$ 4* 3 x 4/7 panakas - SOLD 2 x 4/7 Bail sk40 - 40$ each 4/7 Rieekan sk40 - 35$ 4/7 Dodonna sk40 - 40$ 4/7 C3PO sk40 - 30$ 3 x 4/7 barriss offee Healer - 20$ each 1) Pm me for a trade and I shall give you my PayPal email. 2) Give me your game I.D. I'll start the trade to prove that I have what you want to buy. Then you reply to the trade with a junk card. 3) Go to PayPal. Select the "Send money" tab. 4) Enter my email address. 5) Enter the amount for the purchase. 6) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or friends". 7) Please add the following message to the payment. "Payment for (...card) in SWFC game. I completely understand these are virtual goods and I agree that no refunds or returns are allowed" 8) I'll check my PayPal to confirm payment. 9) I'll accept the trade. Cheers
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    Dan Pippus

    Dan Pippus
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    So I can get a hold of you by commenting here? Are these cards still available? I'm interested in your Yoda Sabers and Ackbar
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    Ben Lauren Kirkby

    Ben Lauren Kirkby
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    I have lots for sale
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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