Selling Selling iRO Classic Loki Account

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello I'm planning on selling my iRO Classic Loki account.

    98 Champ

    97 Sinx

    86 Hwiz

    93 Priest

    It also contains incredibly valuable equipment that took me a very long time to obtain.

    +9 Nightmarish Coat

    Fatasm Sunglasses

    +9 Maestro Dress Hat

    Well-Chewed Pencil

    Pirate Dagger

    +7 Soul-Enchanted Combat Boots

    +7 Anti-Sniping Commander's Manteau

    +4 Cranial Valk Shield

    +7 BG Mace

    +4 +3DEX Deadly Medic's Robe

    +9 Superior Sandals

    +7 Anti-Sniping Muffler

    4x Rings of Muscle

    2x Nimble Gloves

    +8 Unfrozen Silk Robe

    +7 Feather Beret

    Almost all racial bucklers

    The Sign

    +4 Boned Infiltrator

    +8 Diligent Giant Axe

    A ton of other equipment there is just too much to list. It has pretty much everything you could ever need on an account including most kafra headgear.

    I am taking serious offers only this account is easily worth over 3b+ just in equipment alone and not to mention all of the time and effort that was put into leveling all of the characters on the account.

    My email is [email protected] /* */ please send me a message if you're interested! Also taking paypal only.


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