Selling IOS level 1124, 23 SF armours, 3551 gems on account with pictures

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vicky269, 2/16/17.

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  1. Vicky269

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    Level 1124
    Current gem count: 3,551
    Current silver coins: 17
    Current gold: just over £30k
    Have 35 energy on the Arena

    SF armours (23 in total)
    2 x Aqueous Bounty + (1 x ascended to level 4, 1 x fully ascended!)
    1 x Aqueous Bounty (ascended to level 3)
    1 x Malevolent Wingplate (ascended to level 2)
    1 x Malevolent Wingplate + (ascended to level 4)
    1 x Huracan’s Eternal+ (ascended to level 3) with bling set
    1 x Orsini Thunderaxe (ascended to level 3)
    1 x Meditor Montem (ascended to level 5)
    1 x Agni’s Offering+ (ascended to level 6)
    1 x Agni’s Offering (fully ascended to level 10)
    1 x Volcanus Indusia (ascended to level 3)
    1 x Mandrake Eternal (ascended to level 3)
    1 x Meditor Eternal (ascended to level 5)
    1 x Eternal Brassgear (ascended to level 3) with bling set
    1 x Eternal Silvanus (ascended to level 5)
    2 x Aqens Eternal (1 x ascended to level 1, 1 x just fully maxed but not ascended)
    1 x Rookplate Eternal (not ascended but fully maxed) with bling set
    1 x Aeolian Eternal (ascended to level 1)
    1 x Silvanus Stonemail (ascended to level 5)
    1 x Blazing Wind-Rider + (fully maxed but not ascended at all) with bling set
    1 x Aeolian Abomination (fully ascended to level 10)
    1 x Frosthorn Wraithplate (fully maxed but not ascended at all)
    1 x Ivorydrake Eternal + (fully maxed but not ascended at all)
    1 x Vine Horror Cuirass (currently on level 50/99)
    1 x Chronos Regalia (currently on level 9/99)

    DF armours
    21 in total all fully maxed

    I also have 11 epic armours full maxed, 1 of each combo, to use in wars as sometimes you need them to get max points.

    Also have a lot of fusion boosts.

    I also obviously have a lot of rings and amulets and various pets.

    Have attached pictures. If they don't upload I will send them to you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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