Sold Selling Insanely lucky F2P deck, 20xx in gym and 23xx in league. (Latest offer $65-80)

Discussion in 'Pokemon Masters Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by lestorkee, 2/27/17.

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  1. lestorkee

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    PM me or send me an email to [email protected]

    Offer me pricing. (Note: This is a free to play account, you can brag all you want to your friends if you know what i mean ;))

    Deoxys Speed Forme Lvl 4

    Deoxys Attack Forme Lvl 3 CP2

    Deoxys Defense Forme Lvl 3

    Deoxys Normal Forme Lvl 4 CP3

    Keldeo Lvl 4 (2 of them)

    Infernape Lvl 3

    Rayquaza Lvl 3

    Delfox Lvl 3

    Raikou Lvl 4

    Metagross Lvl 3

    Giratina Lvl 1 (2 of them)

    Notable Non Ex :

    Poliwhirl lvl 5

    Vibrava Lvl 5

    Leafeon Lvl 4

    Plates :
    Cosmo Energy
    Pokemon Switch x2
    Hurdle Jump
    Goal Block
    Double Chance
    Force Remove
    Power Battle x2
    Focus Band

    187303 gold and no gems available.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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