Selling Selling Insane collection account! Every hero, tons of mounts, skins, and more!

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rookie1955, 9/9/17.

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  1. Rookie1955

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    Hi there,

    I've decided to list my Heroes of the Storm account for sale. I've invested quite a bit of time and money into this account, but due to changes in my lifestyle I can no longer afford to keep it. I've always been a bit of a completionist/collector, so I may have gone overboard buying heroes, skins, mounts, banners, announcers, etc...The Collection tab is where I consider most of the value of this account to lie. So, if you're looking for a ready-to-go account to mess around in HL/TL, read on!

    ASKING PRICE: $300, firm. I'm not going to negotiate any lower, that is MORE than fair for the thousands I've dumped into it.

    General Stats:
    - Account Age: 2 Years
    - Account Level: 419
    - Games Played: 949
    - Total Win Rate: 53.7%
    - QM Win Rate: 53.0%
    - Unranked Win Rate: 53.1%
    - HL Win Rate: 52.1%
    - TL Win Rate: 50.0%
    - 2017 Season 1 Ranks: Platinum 5 (HL)/Platinum 4 (TL)
    - 2017 Season 2 Ranks: Platinum 4 (HL)/Platinum 5 (TL)
    - 2017 Season 3 Ranks (Current): Platinum 5 (HL)/Gold 2 (TL)


    - Heroes Owned: 71/71

    - Skins Owned: 868

    - 79 Legendary Skins!
    - Pajamathur Abathur
    - Planey Pajamathur Abathur
    - Zergy Pajamathur Abathur
    - Cyb'arak Anub'arak
    - Cobalt Cyb'arak Anub'arak
    - Crimson Cyb'arak Anub'arak
    - Neon Cyb'arak Anub'arak
    - Shadow Mystic Kingdoms Arthas
    - Demonic Auriel
    - Toxic Demonic Auriel
    - Ancient Demonic Auriel
    - Shadow Demonic Auriel
    - Azmodunk
    - Showtime Azmodunk
    - Real Dream Azmodunk
    - The Butcherlisk
    - Enraged Butcherlisk
    - Festering Butcherlisk
    - Mecha Dehaka
    - Prototype Mecha Dehaka
    - Stealth Mecha Dehaka
    - Infiltrator Mecha Dehaka
    - Toxic Archangel Diablo
    - Twilight Archangel Diablo
    - Nightmare Prime Evil Diablo
    - Goliath D.Va
    - Hazard Goliath D.Va
    - Sharkmouth Goliath D.Va
    - Buccaneer Falstad
    - Salty Buccaneer Falstad
    - Seafoam Buccaneer Falstad
    - Mutant Mad Axe Garrosh
    - Spectre Illidan
    - Ghost Illidan
    - Neon Spectre Illidan
    - Dreadlord Jaina
    - Unholy Dreadlord Jaina
    - Saronite Dreadlord Jaina
    - Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan
    - Vespene Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan
    - Cruel Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan
    - Queen of Templar Kerrigan
    - Space Lord Leoric
    - Neutron Space Lord Leoric
    - Hunter Space Lord Leoric
    - Maraudin' Muradin
    - Raider Maraudin' Muradin
    - Dominion Maraudin' Muradin
    - Umojan Maraudin' Muradin
    - Lil' Ragnaros
    - Blazing Lil' Ragnaros
    - Amber Lil' Ragnaros
    - Raider Rexxar
    - Covert Raider Rexxar
    - Fire Raider Rexxar
    - Biohazard Raider Rexxar
    - Monkey King Samuro
    - Genius Monkey King Samuro
    - Jade Monkey King Samuro
    - Super Monkey King Samuro
    - Mecha Tassadar
    - Cobalt Mecha Tassadar
    - Vermillion Mecha Tassadar
    - Earthbreaker Thrall
    - Soulbreaker Thrall
    - Dreambreaker Thrall
    - Tanned Power Briefs Tychus
    - Demonic Tyrael
    - Fel Demonic Tyrael
    - Void Demonic Tyrael
    - Judgement Uther
    - Penance Judgement Uther
    - Blessed Judgement Uther
    - Sulfuron Uther
    - Felfuron Uther
    - Desert Queen Zagara
    - Obsidian Desert Queen Zagara
    - Sand Desert Queen Zagara
    - Ruby Desert Queen Zagara

    - Mounts Owned: 162

    - 43 Legendary Mounts!
    - Demonic Hellsteed
    - Ancient Demonic Hellsteed
    - Toxic Demonic Hellsteed
    - Judgement Charger
    - Penance Judgement Charger
    - Blessed Judgement Charger
    - Crimson Hare
    - Shadow Crimson Hare
    - Frozen Crimson Hare
    - Tyrael's Charger
    - Platinum Tyrael's Charger
    - Ivory Tyrael's Charger
    - Rainbow Unicorn
    - Orange Rainbow Unicorn
    - Lucky Rainbow Unicorn
    - Cyber Ram
    - Dominion Cyber Ram
    - Raider Cyber Ram
    - Road Boar
    - Mutant Road Boar
    - Frozen Road Boar
    - Biohazard Road Boar
    - Horde Road Boar
    - Ghost Speeder
    - Vespene Ghost Speeder
    - Dominion Ghost Speeder
    - Spectre Phantom
    - Neon Spectre Phantom
    - Amber Spectre Phantom
    - Space Lord's Starbreaker
    - Neutron Space Lord's Starbreaker
    - Hunter Space Lord's Starbreaker
    - Surfboard
    - Webbed Surfboard
    - Coastal Surfboard
    - Sharkbite Surfboard
    - Webbed Sharkbite Surfboard
    - Happy Cloud
    - Angry Cloud
    - Sad Cloud
    - Nimbus Cloud
    - Azure Nimbus Cloud
    - Jade Nimbus Cloud

    - Banners Owned: 78

    - Sprays Owned: 135

    - Announcers Owned: 27

    - Voice Lines Owned: Basically all of them (I don't want to count them all right now lmao)

    - Emojis Owned: Again, basically all of them

    - Portraits Owned: 246

    I know, it's a lot of text. If you are potentially interested, please feel free to send me a PM and I can provide any screenshots, additional info, etc.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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