Sold Selling Ideal Ra Dra Alt account for sale

Discussion in 'Puzzle & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dtemplar, 1/19/17.

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  1. Dtemplar

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    I have an alt account with a complete/ideal ra dra team. RaDra/Dkali/Dkali/Isis/Kanna. The new RaDra evo is going to hit NA soon and it will be the strongest team possible (for a while at the very least).

    This account has a lot of good stuffs that are ready for you to take it to end games. I currently have other 2 accounts so I pretty much don't need this anymore (have been keeping it on my backup phone for a while).

    $250 obo.

    Feel free to message me using playerup PM system. We can chat more using Discord/Line if needed.

    The account is on NA.
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