Sold Selling I324 drk and pld / i320 samurai with both kamuy + best small lb house

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by YoureJustAdream, 8/1/17.

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  1. YoureJustAdream

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    I'll be quitting the game since I got a new job and will be busy on work. I won't be able to commit on raiding scene anymore.
    It's a hard decision :(

    I also would like to spend more time w/ my girlfriend.

    The account is raid ready and has good parses on fflogs that will allow you to join any static parties w/o any difficulty.

    Here is the character w/ the house:

    Here is what you'll get:
    - Tank has full penta melded accessories(#).
    - Samurai has HQ 320 gear.
    - Account has 15 million gil.
    - Both susanoo and lakshimi mounts(RARE).
    - 275 anima MCH , 260 anima PLD


    For now, I'll only take buyers with playerup rep.
    Please check my feedback.

    asking price is $600.
    skype: ee.account for more questions.

    I'll transfer the server to your liking for free.
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