Selling [Selling] I will sell isk for 5$=1b

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Fortunity, 7/5/19.

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  1. Fortunity

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    I use new safe method for both of us to sell isks,so no bans,this method are not common (because seller can loose a lot of isks)so many shops don t use it,but for me the safety of accounts is primary:)
    I can make a discounts if y want o buy more than 10b.
    Right now I can sell 300 b at month( so if some shop want to contact me,I m here)

    My discord is
    bin ladin#6944
    My mail is
    [email protected]
    My whatsapp is
    +34603704086 (yes I m not from usa but I speak 7 languages so is not a problem to speak with me)
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