Selling Selling I sell world of warships account, with 17 premium boats and 7 tier x ships

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IMAwesomO, 1/1/18.

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  1. IMAwesomO

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    :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::c ool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
    Hello, comrades, I offer you an account that I played for almost 2 years and invested some money. the account has some premium ships that may interest them, and some of the best tier x
    Account content:

    Account name = IMAwesomO


    alabama (tier VIII - battleship)
    kidd (tier VIII - destroyer)
    prinz eugen (tier VIII - cruiser - rare camo)
    scharnhornst (tier VII - battleship)
    leningrad (tier VII - destroyer)
    hood (tier VII - battleship)
    Arizona (Tier VI - Battleship)
    duke d aosta (tier VI - cruiser)
    graf spee (tier VI - cruiser)
    Shinonome (tier VI - destroyer)
    murmansk (tier V - cruiser)
    Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya (tier V - battleship)
    ishizuchi (tier IV - battleship)
    Aurora (Tier III - Cruiser)
    Katori (tier III _ Cruiser)
    campbelltown (tier III - destroyer)
    emden (tier II - cruiser)

    Tier x Ships:

    Moskva (Cruiser)
    Yamato (Battelship)
    Hindenburg (cruiser - premium camo)
    Minotaur (cruiser)
    Desmoines (cruiser)
    Khabarovsk (Destroyer)
    Henri IV (cruiser - premium camo)

    250$ #
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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