Selling HUGE (EU) account: Hearthstone and HOTS almost full collection

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by suppacheese, 7/7/17.

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  1. suppacheese

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    Hello, guys. With sad heart :( i must sale my personal account, cause wanna start my new business. Almost 4 years of hard collecting and crafting game items, and now i have almost full collection in Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm on EU server. See details below.

    You can check this account and write to me. Use my battle.tag: ArenaBoy#2881 SERVER: EU


    Profile details:
    6 gold heroes (hunter, mage, priest, warrior, warlock, paladin)
    30+ 12 key wins on arena
    Legends rank in Standart and Wild Game modes
    Total wins: 5 594
    All adventure modes open
    2 bonus skins: Maiev, Morgl the Oracle
    !No golden cards!
    45 card backs (with legendary, samsung galaxy and all heroic card backs)

    1 pack = 1.4$
    1 pack = about 140 dust
    (if you have 1 epic, 1 rare and 3 common cards in pack)
    1000 dust = 10$

    Total: 1 452 cards
    Total collection cost = 330 240 dust
    all meta-cards and decks available
    You can watch all legend and epic cards here:

    Legendary cards
    (150 400 dust):
    Total 94 legendary cards
    57 Standart legendary cards

    Epic cards (123 600 dust):
    Total 309 epic cards
    206 standart epic cards

    Rare cards (43 600 dust):
    Total 436 rare cards
    273 standart rare cards

    Common cards (12 640):
    Total 613 common cards

    FINAL B.NET PRICE (If you buy all these items in the store) = 3 300$

    I didn`t calculate all the items in the collection, only dust.

    Bonus: 500+ dust and 500+ gold (dont know final numbers, cause I'm still playing on my account)


    Love this game, play from alpha-version (alpha and beta versions portraits)

    Profile details:
    Total profile lvl: 771
    Total games: 3 978
    Total wins: 2 072
    Winrate (all game modes): 52,1%
    Total kills: 54 846
    MVP: 225

    1 gem = 0.013$
    1000 dust = about 700 gems = about 9$

    You can watch all heroes and items here:

    Heroes: All 68 heroes
    (The total cost of all available heroes comes to 532$ or 41 400 gems. Proof:
    16 heroes - 15+ lvl, 24 heroes - 10+ lvl, 28 heroes - 5+ lvl

    Total items cost: 98 500+ dust
    (was calculated only skins, mounts and commentators) = 886$

    Legendary skins: 15 (24 000 dust)

    Legendary mounts: 9 (14 400 dust)

    Another skins: 243 (47 900 dust)
    Epic skins: 79 (31 500 dust)
    Rare skins: 164 (16 400 dust)

    Another mounts: 57 (8 600 dust)
    Epic mounts: 17 (6 800 dust)
    Rare mounts: 18 (1 800 dust)
    Exclusive (limited) mounts: 22

    Commentators: 9 (3 600 dust)

    FINAL B.NET PRICE (If you buy all these items in the store) = 1 418$

    I didn`t calculate all the items in the collection, only heroes, skins and mounts.


    So, final cost of my account = 4 718$, if you try to buy all items from my collection in store.
    I need only half of this cost for my business, and its a good deal, cause you can get an excellent collection for half of the price. And i don`t calculate all items in my collection, and I rounded up the dust when counting.

    My final price is = 2 000$

    I will sell my account and mail from it. Only guaranted deal.

    You can check this account and write to me. Use my battle.tag: ArenaBoy#2881

    skype: suppacheese (usually, I'm in invisible mode)

    See ya, and good luck in the Nexus! :)

    P.S. Sorry for my mistakes, my English is not very good.
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