Selling Huge account | d3 | overwatch | world of warcraft (highend)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Laurii, 12/8/16.

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  1. Laurii

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    Hey, i want to sell my entire WoW Account. With my WoW account you also get: WoW(Legion Collectors Edition; WoD Collectors Edition), D3(RoS Collectors Edition), Overwatch (Collectors Edition; Plat 2.7k Rank).
    Lvl 104 (means i prestiged 1 time)

    -2Epic Ana Skins
    -Collectors Edition Bastion
    -1Epic Dva Skin
    -1Epic Hanzo Skin
    -1Epic Junkrat Skin
    -2Legendary McCree Skins
    -1Epic Mercy Skin
    -1Epic Phara Skin
    -2Legendary Phara Skins (1 from Collectors Edition)
    -1Epic Reaper Skin
    -2Legendary Reaper Skins (1 from Collectors Edition)
    -1Epic Reinhard Skin
    -1Epic Roadhog Skin
    -1Legendary Soldier Skin (Collectors Edition)
    -1Legendary Torbjörn Skin
    -1Legendary Tracer Skin (Collectors Edition)
    -1Legendary Widowmaker Skin (Collectors Edition)
    -1Legendary Zenyatta Skin

    2790Coins unspent
    (perfect for christmas!! new skins etc)
    Hardcore Characters 499Paragon:

    Demon Hunter lvl70
    Wtich Doctor lvl70
    Barbarian lvl70
    Wizzard lvl70
    Crusader lvl70
    Monk lvl61
    Softcore Characters 690Paragon:
    Barbarian lvl70
    Monk lvl70
    Demon Hunter lvl70
    Witch Doctor lvl70
    Wizzard lvl70

    Bunch of Wings, Pets and Banners (some unobtainable)
    World of Warcraft:
    All my Chars are on Horde side.
    The ACCOUNT is attuned to suramar dungeons; it has 8/8 WoD CM Weapons on all Chars available

    110 Rshaman: 885ilvl | 2Legendarys(Wrist/pants) | The Dreamer (7/7 Myth EN) | 3/3 HC ToV | 8/8 WoD CM | Dark Shaman Tmog Set | Dragonwrath | 32Traits | 18AK | Hidden Enhancer Appearance
    110 Rshaman: 868ilvl | 1Legendary(Neck) | 7/7 HC EN | 2/3 HC ToV | 18Traits | 11AK
    110 Hpally: 861ilvl | 7/7 HC EN | 3/3 NH ToV | 20Traits | 11AK
    110 DiscPriest: 816ilvl | 14Traits | 4AK
    110 Hunter: 795ilvl | 8/8 WoD CM | 7Traits(BM) | 1Trait(MM) | 7AK

    100 Mage
    100 Warlock
    100 Monk
    100 DH

    94 Druid
    91 Shaman (alliance)

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    -2xSpectral Tiger Cub (lvl25)
    -Brightpaw (lvl25)
    -Cinderkitten (lvl1)

    -Nibbles (lvl1)
    -Graves (lvl25)
    -Mr.Bigglesworth (lvl1)
    -Cursed Birma (lvl1)
    -Unborn Val'kyr (lvl25)
    -Treassure Goblin (lvl2)
    -Dread Hatchling (lvl1)
    -Molten Corgi (lvl1)
    -Baby Winston (lvl1)
    -Iron Starlette (lvl1)
    -Widget the Departed (lvl1)
    -Feline Familiar (lvl1)
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    -Smoldering Emberwyrm

    -Ashes of Al'ar
    -Challanger's War Yeti
    -Felsteel Annihilator
    -Ironhoof Destroyer

    -Swift Brewfest Ram
    -Greater Brewfest Kodo
    -Swift White Hawkstrider
    -Bone-White Primal Raptor
    -Core Hound
    -Crimson Death Charger
    -Bejeweled Onyx Panther (also all other colours)
    -Dread Raven
    -Emerald Hyppogryph
    -Fiery Warhorse
    -Grand Expedition Yak
    -Grove Warden
    -Headless Horseman's Mount
    -Illidari Felstalker
    -Iron Skyreaver
    -Life-Binder's Handmaiden
    -Minion of Grumpus
    -Mystic Runesaber
    -Onyxia Drake
    -Raven Lord
    -Riding Turtle
    -Sea Turtle
    -Swift Windsteed
    -Warlord's Deathwheel
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
    Achivpoints: 13180Total

    Feats of Strength: 38 Total
    -Cutting Edge: Xavius
    -Cutting Edge: The Black Gate

    -WoW's 10th Anniversary
    -WoW's 11th Anniversary
    -WoW's 12th Anniversary
    -Boldly, You Sought the Power of Ragnaros
    (10Mount related feats)
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    If you got any questions or are interested in anything and want to know the price/want to make me an offer on my account add me on skype: laurii.superfly

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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