Sold Selling Hq 21, comander lvl 50, vip lvl 39, 11m power, 325k+ gold, new speed up kit.

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by chrisasian, 12/17/16.

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  1. chrisasian

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    *Updated daily*

    (Price at end)

    Level 50 Commander, Legendary Level 35 gear.
    11,004,259 power
    VIP level 39
    32,519 troops
    State: PUDA


    600.1m stone, 639m oil, 766.3m iron, 650.5m food, 926.9m coins.
    324,217 gold
    10k black market credits
    423k shooting gallery rounds
    20x 3day peace shields
    Brand new speed up timer set.
    2nd building queue
    2nd research queue

    Building (AmountX) - Level:
    HQ - 21
    Wall - 20
    Radar Station - 20
    Warehouse - 20
    Amory - 20
    Research Lab - 20
    Hall of Heroes - 20
    Embassy - 20
    Trading Post - 20
    Bank (2x) - 20
    Training Grounds (3x) - 20
    Hospital (3x) - 20
    Prison - 13
    War Room - 13
    Farm (4x) - 20
    Oil Well (4x) - 20
    Quarry (4x) - 20
    Iron Mine (4x) - 20

    *Updated Daily*

    Price: $99 (Haggling is Allowed)

    Like what you see? New player but want a head start? Experienced but want an upgrade? Pro but want another account? HMU and lets talk real talk, before it gets sold"
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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