Sold Selling HQ 15 Autobots With Massive Bots

Discussion in 'Transformers Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bose123, 6/8/17.

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  1. Bose123

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    HQ 15
    Total Combined Power 81K+
    5* SunStreaker Lvl 46 - Ability 8
    4* Optimus Prime Lvl 52 - Ability 7
    4* Star Saber Lvl 53 - Ability 8
    4* Strafe Lvl 55 - Ability 8
    4* Ultra Magnus Lvl 51 - Ability 6
    4* Jumpstream Lvl 52 - Ability 6
    4* Grimlock Lvl 47 - Ability 7
    4* Pyra Magna Lvl 48 - Ability 6
    4* Ironhide Lvl 48 - Ability 6
    4* Hotspot Lvl 47 - Ability 6
    4* Huffer Lvl 47 - Ability 6
    4* Rodimus Lvl 45 - Ability 6
    4* Sunstreaker Lvl 49 - Ability 7

    Many Many More!

    Both Combiners
    Superion 4* Lvl 11 - Power 2650
    Optimus Maximus 4* Lvl 10 - Power 2720

    Asking $800.00 USD OBO
    PayPal Only
    Still have one free name change.
    9 Squads Available
    Maxed Shock Towers
    Maxed Mortars
    Maxed Beam Laser
    Maxed Walls

    Disclaimer: This is a Virtual account and not a physical item for sale.
    Please reply below and we will move from there.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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