Sold Selling HOT SALE! Selling lv 59 Maewha - EU

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Neitngale, 12/26/17.

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  1. Neitngale

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    I'm selling my BDO account EU Server as I definitely want to quit the game, and feel bad about just leaving my account to die like that.
    It is a fairly good account and we've been through a lot, so let me present it to you all.

    The account used to be a Striker Main, whom is currently level 60, and with a lot of pearl items, included weight limits, Onyx outfit, Karlstein outfit, Shark outfit, Gravekeeper outfit, Crown eagle outfit, Horse Flute. You name it.
    As of now the Striker is gearless, since the Main was moved to the Maewha, whom is level 59.
    The Maewha doesn't have as many pearl items as the Striker, but it does come with weight limit, treant outfit, and a custom made outfit, the Ahon Kirus armor!
    The Maewha IS geared. It's currently running with:

    TRI Kzarka Blade
    TRI Ultimate Frosty Cloud Kerispear
    TRI Black/White Horn Bows
    TRI Muskans
    TRI Bhegs
    TRI Strength Armor of Heve
    TRI Strength Helmet of Heve

    I've gotta point out that the account has both Dim Tree Spirit Armor and Giath Helmet (Which is currently PRI).
    There's also a JIN Viper in my Bheg Gloves, and as the gems are not BIS yet, they're still very good.

    As of accessories:

    DUO Serap Necklace
    DUO Red Coral Earring
    Grana Oath Earring

    DUO MoS
    Asula Ring
    Asula Belt

    I have a T8 horse, 153.5% speed + Pearl Costume (Dark Thorn) and Premium appearence change
    6 pets, 1xT3, 2xT2, 3xT1

    As for lifeskilling activities, Fishing and Cooking are focused on my lv 57 DK.
    Processing is being done on my 60 Striker.
    And Gathering should be done on the 59 Maewha when and if you're interested to start doing it, because of the Treant outfit.

    I've got a decent Worker set up and the money income from it isn't too bad, it might need some work but nothing that can't be handled.

    I'd like to point out that there's enough money in the warehouse to drop the Maewha and go back to being a Striker main, selling the Maewha's weapons.

    The account does not come with the email, but I'm willing to be around at any given time for the new owner until the email can be changed, or to solve any password problems.
    I have NO intention whatsoever in coming back to Black Desert Online so there's no reason to fear I'll call my account back.

    400€ have been spent in pearl items during my play time, and a lot of time has been put into the game.
    Still given this, and the fact that I'm not currently playing anymore:

    The account is being sold at 200€

    Payment: Steam Gift Cards or PayPal

    I'll provide SCREENSHOTS on Discord to any interested party (and on the WebSite too as soon as possible)

    I'm online any time of the day and the night so PM me to get my Discord Contact and let's talk it through!
    Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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