Sold Selling HM13 840ap Assasin with Critical Soul - Windrest + SUM/Wl level 50

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by melotherado, 3/15/17.

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  1. melotherado

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    Assassin HM13 AP:840 (850+ with true boss accessory)
    Server: Windrest(group 1)
    Price: 500€
    Accepting paypal, can go through middleman or Middleman (sold skyforge account 1 year ago with no problems)

    Legendary ring, necklace and belt
    5x pieces msp + 3x desolate tomb (30 feathers in inventory for bt set + slot in static raid group)
    Enough gold for raven stage 1 weapon, just requires item from new raid to upgrade it
    Awakened critical soul
    Legendary pet stage 10
    115k hp with pve equipment
    152k hp with pvp equipment

    Faction rank is maxed on crimson side(dominated side)
    3 max level characters on this account - SIN HM13, SUMMONER HM8(630AP), WARLOCK HM7 (530AP)

    Mail can be changed, for more informations or screenshots about my account drop a pm in my mailbox on this site
    Quitting because my cpu cant handle raids and my fps drops to unplayable level.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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