Sold Selling HM12 (+78% for HM13) 924 AP - EU/Windrest

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nairdan, 4/29/17.

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  1. Nairdan

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    - Assassin HM12 (+78% for HM13) 924 AP - EU/Windrest: muy poblado (Comunidad Española)

    - Account - Cuenta: 1061 Golds - 8726 Beans - 3570 Battle Points - 1769 Celestial Peach

    - Double Spec. PVP/PVE - Doble rama de talentos

    - Todas las Tecnicas Secretas - All Secret Techniques

    - Soul Shield:
    PVP: Legendary Battleground 1-8 + critical def. fusion - 2,4,8 S. Shield Challenge + fuison
    PVE: Legendary Scarlet 1-5 + critical fusion - 6-8 Oblivion S. Shield + fusion
    +100 Lunar Twilights Flowers for 6,7,8 Legendary Scarlet S.S. + 3,4 Oblivion S.S. (You need only 2)

    - Baleful Dagger lvl10: 6 Legendary Gem Sockets
    Flawless Brilliant Heptagonal Diamond
    Flawless Brilliant Heptagonal Peridot
    Flawless Brilliant Heptagonal Aquamarine
    Flawless Brilliant Heptagonal Amethyst
    Flawless Brilliant Hexagonal Ruby
    Flawless Brilliant Hexagonal Citrine

    - Accessorios - Accessories:
    Legendary Ring lvl10
    True Scorpio Earring lvl10
    Pinnacle Bracelet
    Legendary Necklace lvl8
    True Scorpio Belt
    Hongmoon Energy lvl6
    Primal Force Soul Badge (73 Triumph Token for next Badge you need 90)

    - Prefesiones - Prefessions:
    The Trapers Alliance: Max.
    The tree Fellers: Max.
    The Merry Potters: Max.
    Soul Wardens: Max.

    - Outfits:
    Temptation, Thunder God, Southern Tiger, Blackram Uniform General.

    - Available option of character lvl 50

    Contact me for skype Nairdan DK
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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