Sold Selling HM11 summoner, 706ap on Windrest server

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zabwabwa, 1/12/17.

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  1. zabwabwa

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    Hey! I am willing to sell my HM11 summoner, with 706APatm with soulshield Prison & Oblivion, 60%+ crit

    Equipped is a stage 3 baleful staff with 6slots and 6 ap gems in it and I have the most important HM skills learned ( lmb/rmb/double v/1).
    The char has maxed merry potter and some other crafts.
    It's on the Windrest server in red faction.
    I have 430 gold

    Check the gallery for more about eq/wh and pm me anytime for additional info:

    IMPORTANT NOTE : you cant change the email right now because i do it severals days before so i will give you the email adress, it will be your so its 100% safe dont worry about that, its just an email created only for BnS :) if you have questions dont hesitate

    You can buy it here for 150$ only :!127140965/

    40 feedback and 100% satisfied
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