Sold Selling Highend 925 ap bt stuff & bracelet

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Friqht, 4/29/17.

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  1. Friqht

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    Assasin Hm 11(89%) 925AP
    Currently on EU [DE]Himmelsfarm

    -Baleful Stage 10 (6 Slots, Raven King's Ferocity in Storage, ready to upgrade to Raven)
    -4 Heptagonal Gems (Peridot, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst) 2 Hexagonal Gems (Diamond, Citrine)
    -Awakened Pet Aura Stage 4, Hongmoon Soul Stage 7
    -Premium Rank 9 (36 Days Remaining)
    -Black Tower 5 Set, Full MSP Soulshield, Full PvP Soulshield
    -Many upgrade-materials in storage (Raven Feathers, Raven Souls etc.)
    -All legenderies currently available (Necklace Stage 8, Bracelet Stage 10, BT Earring Stage 6, PvP Ring -Stage 9, Belt Stage 5) except for BT Ring.
    -Blue Moon Soul Badge + Revelation Mystic Badge
    -All HM-Skills
    -Over 100 Costumes in F3
    -Namechange Voucher in mail ready to use

    Email will come with the account because its currently not changeable.
    All information are provided (Including Email information e.g. creation date etc.)

    BUY HERE:!130968311/
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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