Sold [Selling] High seasonal Paragon, well geared Monk, Barbarian, Demon Hunter + Warcraft 3 = 75 Eu

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ziggeh, 12/24/17.

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  1. Ziggeh

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    1800 Seasonal Paragon

    Extremely well-geared characters - full ancient/primal, level ~100 augments. Contact me for profile link

    HotA Barbarian - effortlessly closed 103 solo many paragon levels ago
    Whirlwind Barbarian - T13 rifts / bounties killing machine
    Support Barbarian - paragon farmer through rathma or classic setup (has gear for both)
    WoL Monk - solo Greater Rift killing machine, does 90 under 3 minutes.
    Multishot DH - same niche as Whirlwind Barbarian, slightly better at killing things fast and slightly worse at facetanking

    80 billion gold, nearly 30000 Forgotten Souls, about 50 level 90+ gems available for augments. Has a lot of gear for other builds, a character with full set of gold finding gear (gets you 500 million per goblin vault), a full set of leveling gear (1-70 in a single cow level clear) and many other such niceties. It has preorder wings and almost all pets.

    This is my own account. account also includes Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos + Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.

    Price: 75 Euro
    Payment method: Skrill
    Skype: zyggyh
    Telegram: ZiggyOwnedcore
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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