Selling  High End Selling High-end lv65 Soulworker Acc EN Candus server Only for serious buyers!

Discussion in 'SoulWorker Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Drake356, 4/23/20.

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  1. Drake356

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    Hello selling EN Candus server soulworker high-end account ONLY FOR SERIOUS BUYERS!

    I have chii lv65 +9 aov weapon + socekts some costumes sets portrait hair color and eyes
    haru lv65 +9 aov weapon + sockets some costumes sets portrait hair and coloor and eye
    lily lv65 +9 aov weapon + sockets costume set f costumes portrait hair color and hair eye
    iris lv65 +9 aov weapon a costuem set and peices portrait
    1 aov set+9 +sockets and aov accesories, primal set +6 and primal accesories
    stella lv43 1 costume set
    2 chars slots for chii farming

    Haru Chii Iris Lilly have sparkling bunny set and some unused that can be sell for gold

    Main brooches: good Giga BSK and sin brooches for any char and SD tera
    bank full of plenty stuff like refiners upgrade chips crafting stuff etc, premium stuff like lots of anti-destruction, antilimiter, restores, mega giga SD brooches some giga mega BSK ,sin, chip flexors, skills tree reset, skills reset and more,
    unopened fashion cube set succubbus tera BSK tera fortress, plenty of 1,2,3,4 and some 5 star akashas for fusion lvl etc
    main hidden akashas tenebris, veneris,bp, hidden haru, etc hiden plastica rita and more etc

    Payment via Paypal only.

    For price and more details send private message or give me discord only
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