Sold [Selling] [HIGH END] LEVEL 58 MUSA 371AP/DP 2 Costumes, 4 pets, 750LT, 1 Value Pack unused

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by emperororyale, 8/18/16.

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  1. emperororyale

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    Please let me know if you would like to purchase with your contact information in a inbox, If possible, please use this discord. Discord for ease of contact.

    I will Give you as much information on the account as possible as well as supply you with a fresh email/some tips on how to play the class/Where to grind etc and how to make alot of silver in game. I also have a lot of Reform stone mats saved up that's worth over 200-300M.
    #1 emperororyale, 8/18/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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