Sold Selling High end JP account for sale. Kairi EX, Fortellers, union armor, lots of guilt

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sheratonyx, 11/25/17.

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  1. Sheratonyx

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    Hi I am currently selling my KHUX JP high end account. I’ve invested a lot of time and work into beefing up this account and as school is coming up I won’t have time to play it much. There is tons still left to do and a few proud mode quests left undone for the jewels.
    All pics will be in the imgur link below but I will gladly answer questions if you inbox me.
    Going price is $300 but I am most definitely willing to negotiate if it is a reasonable offer.

    113 guilted medals
    196 6* medals
    566 burst
    Union Armor Vulpes and 6 avatar boards
    All pet parts except pig
    70% dalmatians found
    All Keys except reverse variants, moogle o glory and stroke of midnight level 25+
    Counterpoint level 35 glowing Key
    Most medals have extra attack trait or heavily traited
    Stacks of exp and boost medals
    Tons of skill medals

    Notable medals:
    Kairi EX (Boosted)
    Ava EX (Boosted)
    Aced EX
    Gula EX
    Ira EX
    Pete HD
    Riku Days HD

    KHUX account sale
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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