Selling [Selling] High-end GW2 Account, 440k+ GW2Efficiency Value, 28000k+ AP, All Expansions

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MistWalker99, 1/3/24.

  1. MistWalker99

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    Selling my Personal GW2 Account

    (Comes with linked GW1 Account with 50/50 HoM + GWAMM + All Expansions)

    Account information:​

    28000+ Achievement Points

    Many Completed Achievements Prior to Secrets of Obscure

    Bunch of Ascended Chests and Weapons

    1x Set of Medium Legendary Raid armour

    Legendary weapons bifrost, bolt, flameseeker prophecies, the predator

    Colasence+Aurora+The Vision+The ascension+Legendary Amulet

    370+ Legendary Insights/Divinations (including raid armor set+coalesence)

    Fractal level 100 + All Fractal CM titles (except for the newest Fractal)

    178 titles

    PVP Level: 105

    WVW Rank: 150+

    All Mounts + Many Mount Skins

    Many different Gem Store Skins (Gliders, Weapons, Outfits, Armor etc.)

    10 x Extra Bank Tabs

    Full Bag Slots On 2 Characters

    Maxed Material Storage

    Many Legendary Weapons

    11x Shared Inventory Slots

    Titles such as I'm Rich You Know + Yellow version + All Raid Titles

    10 Characters (all level 80) + a bunch of scrolls and tomes in bank

    All crafting stations maxed (on at least one character)

    All Expansions+Living worlds

    I am seeking in the area of 750$. PRICE IS NEGOITABLE, for any questions comment on the post or add me on discord:


    Pictures and more can be send on request

    Accepting PP F&F (We can do goods and services if we use MM and you have high rep), Escrow Trustapp and Bank Transfer . I am also up to using playerup Middleman (I will pay for middleman)

    Api Key: 45B5C573-8399-B348-B9BF-79F13E494DE3D1194CA0-7101-4EAD-9AC7-204E764D6A16

    GW1 Character Name: Godess Of The Mists​
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