Sold [Selling] High EnD (EU) +1900 Cards 79 Legendaries. +200 Epic. All Expansions. +13k Arcane Dust

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TechnicsSP, 4/18/17.

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  1. TechnicsSP

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    LEGENDARY CARDS: 79 Include the next ones, among others: Mage quest, Druid quest, Priest quest, Elyse, Lyra, King Mosh, Cenarius, Kun the forgotten king, Aviana, Aya Blackpaw, Fandral Staghelm, Grommash Hellscream, Ragnaros Lightlord, Tirion Fordring, Lord Jaraxxus, Archmage Antonidas, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Brann Bronzebeard, Leeroy Jenkins, Emperor Thaurissan, Reno Jackson, Elise Starseeker, Sylvanas Windrunner, Twin Emperor Vek'lor, Alekstrasza, Ragnaros the Firelord, Nefarian, Ysera, C'Thun, Kazakus, Malygos, Pincess Huhuran, Xaril poisoned mind, Edwin Vancleef, Hopart Grapplehammer, Don Han'cho, Hemet The Hunter, Sun Guardian Tarim, Ink Master Solia, Hallazeal the ascended, and more!

    EPIC CARDS: +200 (exemples: 2x Ancient of War, 2x Arcane Blast, 2x Ice Block, 2x Pyroblast, 2x Lay of Hands, 2x Cabal Shadow Priest, 2x Preparation, 1x Twisting Nether, 1x DOOM, 2x Shield Slam, 2x Doomsayer, 2x Twilight Guardian, 2x Big Game Hunter, 2x faceless manipulator, 2x Sea Giant, 2x Mountain Giant, 2x cabalist thome, and more!)

    Almost full collection of RARE CARDS and COMMON CARDS: ex: 2x Nurish, 2x Eaglehorn Bow, 2x Savannah Highmane, 2x Flamewaker, 2x Blizard, 2x Equality, 2x Divie Favor, 2x Anyfin Can Happen, 2x Wyrmrest Agent, 2x Auchenai Soulpriest, 2x SI:7 Agent, 2x Unearthed Raptor, 2x Lava Shock, 2x Maelstrom Portal, 2x Feral Spirit, 2x Lightning Storm, 2x Mana Tide Totoem, 2x Thing from Below, 2x Demonwrath, 2x Shadowflame, 2x Doomguard, 2x Siphon Soul, 2x Upgrade!, 2x Armorsmith, 2x Revenge, 2x Frothing Berserker, 2x Mortal Strike, 2x Secretkeeper, 2x Knife Jungler, 2x Wild Pyromancer, 2x Questing Adventurer, 2x Defender of argus, 2x Twilight Drake, 2x Violet Teacher, 2x Azure Drake, 2x Gadgetzan Auctioneer and many more!

    GOLDEN LEGENDARY CARDS: Ragnaros Firelord and Sylvannas Wildrunner

    SOLO ADVENTURES: Karazhan, League of Exprores, Blackrock Mountain, Naxxramas. All wings unlocked. All Hardmode done, except 1 boss in Karazhan adventure. Try it out!


    CARD BACKS: 26

    +13.000 Dust

    Total Price: 280€

    Check the full collection here: TechnicsSP'''s Profile - Member List - HearthPwn

    We can use Middleman for trading or any other safe way. Preffered payment option: Paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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