Level 10x Arena Rating 240,000 - Ascended rank Hunter Rank 9 Angelic Foil unlocked in town 3 Medulla Gem 4 Sacred Jewel 2 Thief Gloves 3 Angelic Foil 375 unit space 185 item space 6 Jewel Keys in inventory 1 Jewel Key in giftbox 5 Metal Keys in inventory 9 Metal Keys in gift box Lizeria unlocked in quest mode UNIT HIGHLIGHTS: 5* Zebra (Anima) 6* Michele (Breaker) (SBB) 6* Duel SGX (Anima) (Max SBB) 6* Douglas (Guardian) (SBB) 6* Douglas (Guardian) (SBB) 6* Felneus (Lord) (Max SBB) 6* Sefia (Guardian) (SBB) 6* Magress (Lord) (SBB) 6* Kikuri (Oracle) (SBB) 6* Elimo (Anima) (SBB) 6* Lancia (Anima) 5* Grah (Lord) 5* Elsel (Guardian) 5* Rashil (Guardian) 5* Lubradine (Guardian) 9 Kikuris! Crit SBB spam squad of Zebra/Michele/Duel-SGX/Douglas/Douglas is complete, with all SBBs unlocked. Optimal typings for Zebra, Duel-SGX, and Douglases. Completely maxed Felneus for SBB spam Two max-level 6* Anima (optimal type) premium healers ALL the high-end premium healers, most of whom are optimal typings. Multiple Lodins, Farlons, Liras, Ophelias, Cayenas, and Serins for Arena domination. Multiple Logans and Liliths for boss kill squads. Multiple Teslas for future difficult content. All currently-released components of Light BB Spam archetype, all of whom are optimal typings. Just need a Selha once she's released. All Global Exclusive collector units released so far. Ready for FH Season 5, Vargas Dungeon, and whatever else comes next! Over 140 premium units! Ten 6* units (9 with SBB!), Twenty-six 5* units. UNIT LISTING BY ELEMENT Notable units have *s mentioned. Units without a * are either 3* or 4*. (M) = Max Level (SBB) = Super Brave Burst unlocked. (SBB10) = Super Brave Burst maxed. FIRE 6* Michele (SBB) 6* Lancia (M) 5* Vargas 5* Aisha (M) 5* Farlon 5* Cayena (M) 5* Lorand 5* Phoenix 5* Ramna Phoenix x2 Lava x6 Lorand x2 Aisha x2 Centaur x4 Vishra x4 Farlon WATER 6* Felneus (M) (MAX SBB) 6* Elimo (M) (SBB) 5* Elimo 5* Tesla (M) 5* Serin x2 (M, M) 4* Karl Selena x3 Sergio x2 Mega x2 Elimo x2 Dean x2 Rickel x3 Copra x2 Reeze Raydn x2 EARTH 6* Douglas x2 (SBB, SBB) 5* Twins 5* Leore 5* Luly 4* Altro Lance Lidith Leore x3 Edea Twins x2 Zelban x5 Golem Dilma x2 Luly x2 Ophelia x3 THUNDER 5* Elsel (M) 5* Rashil (M) 5* Eze Falma Behemoth Emilia x3 Elulu x3 Loch x3 Amy Lodin x3 Kushra x3 Rashil x2 Rina LIGHT 6* Sefia (SBB) 5* Lubradine (M) 5* Rameldria 5* Aem 4* Lilith 4* Sodis Heidt Bahamut Wil Aem x4 Melchio x2 Lebra Lilith Sodis x2 DARK 6* Duel GX (MAX SBB) 6* Magress (M) (SBB) 6* Kikuri (SBB) 5* Zebra (M) 5* Grah 5* Logan 5* Kikuri 4* Logan x4 4* Lunaris x2 Shida x2 Hades x2 Alice x5 Lemia x2 Kikuri x7 Duel GX Lira x2 Eric COLLECTORS Crimson Wing Blaze Xenon & Estia Xenon x3 Estia Gilnea Serin x3 Lico Cayena x2 Vanila x4 Bayley x3 Fennia x3 Seria Stya Eliza Zeln Zele Alma x3 Sola Madia Screenshots available upon request. I'm still playing the game some while selling to try to keep it from falling behind. Will accept Amazon Gift Cards and/or Google Play Gift Cards only. Game is attached to a dummy facebook. account, will give full facebook. account upon purchase. Please e-mail queries and offers to [email protected].