Selling High end all-around account

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mhall2694, 2/22/17.

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  1. Mhall2694

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    Firstly: Don't even bother to try and scam me. I've traded online at various platforms and know of all the scams you can try. Don't bother wasting your or my time. That being said, I am not posting my Skype account here for obvious reasons. Only way to contact me is through PM after posting here on this thread first. We will then take it to skype.

    Secondly: I am only trading with VERY HIGH REPUTATION USERS and/or Middleman will be used if YOU pay! I will not be trading with anyone below 100 rep or anyone fishy. Don't bother asking to buy my account if you don't have significant reputation and be prepared to go on live webcam and send me your photo ID, address, phone number, Facebook., etc. We will both be exchanging these for both of our safety.

    Complete Battle.Net Account Detail (Account has 355$ USD Balance Already ON it)

    World of Warcraft - All Characters are on the same server!
    - Level 110 Havoc Demon Hunter (892 equipped, 901 bag) - US ALLIANCE
    ..... 3 Legendaries (940 iLvl Raddon's Cascading Eyes, 940 iLvl Anger of the Half-Giants with +150 Crit gem, 940 iLvl Loramus Thalipedes' Sacrifice)
    ..... Weapon Trait Level 48 & 917 iLvl on Havoc; Weapon Trait Level 23 & 892 iLvl on Vengeance
    ..... 400K Gold and 6 Unused Tokens on the Character
    ..... WoW Hidden Armory can be linked upon request

    - Level 110 Fire Mage (888 equipped, 894 bag) - US ALLIANCE
    ..... 1 Legendary (940 iLvl Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem)
    ..... Weapon Trait Level 29 & 907 iLvl on Fire (Don't have arcane/frost weapons unlocked)
    ..... 30K Gold with stocked Whispered Pact, Crit Food, Deadly Grace and Augments
    ..... WoW Hidden Armory can be linked upon request

    - Account-wide Notables
    ..... Pathfinder Part 1 complete, AOTC for many bosses, Mythic NH achievements, 10-15 Mounts
    ..... Subscription already paid for until December 31, 2017
    ..... 101 Druid Toon available
    ..... Lots of Heirlooms Unlocked, Lots of Toys

    - Season 1: 48 Final, 50 High
    - Season 2: 2900 Final, 3100 High
    - Season 3 (current that just ended): 3500 Final, 3600 High (Masters Orange!)
    - Legendary Skins: 1x Ana, 1x Bastion, 1x D.Va, 1x Genji, 2x Junkrat, 1x Lucio, 1x Mcree, 1x Mei, 1x Pharah, 2x Reaper, 2x Hog, 1x Soldier, 1x Winter Tracer, 1x Zarya, 1x Zenyatta
    - Event Skins: 1x Ana, 1x D.Va, 1x Junkrat, 1x Lucio, 1x Mercy, 1x Reinhardt, 1x Tracer, 1x Widow
    - 1000 Coins available (Enough for one Legendary Skin)
    - 4000 Competitive Points Available
    - Golden Gun for Reaper

    Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void
    - 1v1 Highest Career Finish: Masters (Achieved 10 times)
    - 2v2 Highest Career Finish: Masters (Achieved 4 times)
    - Currently Unranked/Unplaced Fresh ELO
    - 1350 Achievement Points (Including 1v1 Top 8 Master), Many Portraits, 2200 Total Career Games
    - Protoss Level 25, Zerg Level 20, Terran Level 13

    Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
    - Level 61 Wizard
    - Level 50 Barbarian
    - Nothing special about this aside from the fact that this game is a digitally owned copy attached to the account


    - Many legendaries, 350 coins, 12 win arena achievement, some expansions (nothing new)
    - Played casually only for Arena

    Other Games
    - Personally bought, non-redistributed set of digitally account-bound game key for Diablo 2 & Lord of Destruction AND Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne
    - Non-muted, non-banned, non-used

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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