Selling  Android  High End Selling High-End Account Level 69 212,000 SS

Discussion in 'Disney Sorcerers Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by terrwhit, 3/3/21.

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  1. terrwhit

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    I am moving onto a new game so I would like to put my account into some good hands and not let it go to waste.

    5k power main team, easy top 20 in Arena, and currently ranked Challenger in live PVP.

    In a club doing heroic tier Ursula raids, at the time of writing, I have 92 shards of her.

    Have Hercules unlocked. Full BH6 and Frozen teams ready to go. Beast can be unlocked next time his event rolls around.

    Can also give you the discord arena shard chat so you know what payout time you are at.

    Please msg me on discord if interested. tdw12100#3504

    Screenshots of Roster attached.
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