Selling Selling Heroes Charge Account Lvl 98, Server 159 for 199$

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dexter919, 7/19/16.

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  1. Dexter919

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    I'm selling my Heroes Charge Account due missing time. (I still play the game until it's sold).

    Server 159

    5 Red+2 Hero (Sorceress, IE, RF, Griffin, TF)
    8 Red+1 Heroes (DV, DW, SH, DL, Comm, CA, HN, DA)
    9 Red Heroes (Mani, DM, Mach, NA, QoC, FD, LB, Cleric, AS )
    10 Orange+2 Heroes
    57 Other Heroes (minimum purple)

    Legendary Heroes list:
    Depths Voice, Dwarf Warrior, Imperial Executioner, Commander, Light Bringer, Cleric, Swordmaster,
    Bear Warrior, Admiral, Rifleman, Psychopath
    Windmaster Legendary in progress (52/60).

    Crusade Points: 21.197
    Guild Points: 7.582
    Soul Points: 7.757
    Arena Points: 9.140
    Grand Arena Points: 2.048
    Guild Tournament Points: 2583 (oft win GT = Demon Assassin 4* + 99/150 SS)

    Gold: 14.294.797
    GEM: 4.692
    VIP 11 (12 times Stamina, 120 raid tickets daily, Magic Stone, 80% Gems Bonus, 200 Points GT Bonus, two-times Crusade, +++ )
    3700 points for VIP 12
    5781 /55600 Team XP

    Annual card = 183 days left
    Monthly card = 14 day left
    Season card = 10 days left
    Weekly card = 6 days left

    All heroes’ power: 721.408 (rank 14)
    Heroes Stars: 390+ (rank 15) (1.433 SS from heroes that are not 5*)
    3-day Guild activity: 101. 652 (3 chapter always open)

    1 Red item
    120 Orange item

    Arena Rank: steady 1 - 3 by the reward (18 from the best 20 player are in one guild).
    Grand Arena Rank: between 5 - 20
    Guild rank 1

    Time Rift all stages on Diff 8 with 3*
    Hero Trial all stages on Diff 8 with 3*
    Outland Portal all stages on Diff 8 with 3*
    Completes 35/35 stages of Grand Challenge Diff 5
    Completes Crusade Hard Mode

    Price is 199 $

    Do not hesitate to ask for questions.


    - - - Updated - - -

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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