Selling Selling Heroes Charge Account Level 102, Server 73 - 450€/499$

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by thedarkness466, 7/18/16.

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  1. thedarkness466

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    Hello everybody,

    I want to sell my Heroes Charge Account.
    Server: 73 Helga
    Level: 102 (34252/102855)
    VIP 11 (15500/20000)

    Gold: 42,318,418
    Gems: 10,105
    All Cards active

    Guild-Coins: 26,340
    Soul-Coins: 84,000
    Crusade-Coins: 82,453
    Arena/Grand-Arena/Tournament: Still Buying Soul-Stones to get all Heroes 5*
    Power: 796,167
    Often Rank 1 in Arena and Grand-Arena!!
    Guild Rank betwenn 1 and 2, because of region-bug.
    Member of best Guild (international) on Server (Won Guild-Tournament 4 times!), fastest raiding-guild on server!

    Heroes (All 5 Star):
    R+1 (5/5) / (6/6): Cleric (L), Soulhunter, Deathmage, Imperial Executioner (L), Lightbringer (L), Ninja Assassin, Dwarf Warrior (L), Manipulator, Queen of Curse, Hidden Needle, Turtle Fighter, Rose Fencer, Griffin, Witch, Chemist
    R (5/5) / (6/6): Commander (L), Depth Voice (L), Dungeon Keeper
    O+2 (5/5) / (6/6): Wizard Doctor, Wind Master (L), Shadowleaf, War Chief, Cloud Walker, Crossed Knight, Enchantress, Ember Blade, Chaplain, Frost Mage, Mystic (L), Master Mage (L), Fallen Dominion, Silencer, Disease Bringer, Vengeance Spirit, Machinist, Arcane Sapper
    O+1 (5/5) (6/6): Psychic Sword, Scorpion Queen, Poisoned One (L), Deathknight (Quest 35/60), Phoenix, Psychopath (L), Drunken Master (L), Commando (L), Nature Storm, Savage One (L)
    O+1 (4/5): Lightning Master, Old Curse
    O (5/5) (6/6): Iron Hoof, Succubus (L), Deathgore, Lighning Elemental, Pilot, Sniper, Swordmaster, Ice Mage, Shallows Keeper (L), Ancient Protector, Rifleman, Tusked Storm, Emberstar (L), Lunar Guardian, Ice Spirit, Bear Warrior
    O (4/5) (5/6): Vanguard Warrior, Brute, Desert Lycan, Warrior Monk, Admiral (L)
    O (3/5): Death Bringer, Iron Dragon
    P+4 (5/6): Puppet Master
    P (5/6): Cat Fencer
    P (4/6): Wandering Spearman, Professional Killer

    4* Heroes:
    O+2 (5/5): Demon Assassin (34/150)
    P (5/6): Ghost Musician (19/150), Mountain (113/150), Nymph of Sea (25/150), Stormlord (135/150)
    P (4/6): Shadow Shaman (70/150)

    3* Heroes:
    P (5/6): Ferryman (43/100), Devastator (0/100), Ghost Knight (25/100)

    2* Heroes:
    P (5/6): Inferno (29/50), Elder Giant (43/50)
    P (4/6): Dope King (38/50), Forest Guardian (22/50)

    1* Heroes:
    P (4/6): Dual Wield (10/20)

    Sorceress (30/80), Tarot Prophet (0/80), Fiend Slayer (0/80), Corrupted Angel (0/80), Troll Princess (0/80)

    417 Stars!!!
    If wanted, pictures to proof!

    With this Heroes you can easily beat all advanced instances,portals and Chapter XIX (actually 10/20, cause I have not the time to go on), some Elite Chapters are still too beat, so you can have much fun with this account and get even more gems!!

    53 Orange Items, tons of Red Pieces, Orange Pieces and Purple Items!!!

    Crusade Hardmode is super easy with this account!
    Grand Challenge Diff 5 no problem, too!
    Trials: Cursed City and Crashed Hill Diff 9 3 Stars, Valkyrie Showdown Diff 8 3 Stars, but if wanted I can clear it before buying easily
    Time Rift: Dwarf Arsenal Diff 8 3 Stars, Tidal Temple Diff 8 3 Stars, Diff 9 2 Stars, but can also beat it easily
    Portal: Most on Diff 9 3 Stars

    I want to sell this wonderful account for only 450€/499$ or offer!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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