Selling Selling Heartstone account [Personal]

Discussion in 'All Other Social Media Accounts & Services' started by Hack Forums - Online, 11/2/19.

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  1. Hack Forums - Online

    Hack Forums - Online
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    So im selling my personal account. Its EU

    2 Golden hero (Mage and shaman)
    Plus: Maiev and Lunara

    Legendary Cards:
    Druid: Flobbidinous floop, Gonk the raptor, Cenarius, kun the forgotten king
    Hunter: Zul'jin
    Mage: Raid the sky temple, Stargazer Luna
    Paladin: shirvallah the tiger
    Prist: Vol'Jin
    Rogue: Shaku the collector, Tess Greymane
    Shaman: Corrupt the waters
    Warrior: Blackhowl Gunspire, Varian Wrynn
    Neutral: Whizbang the onderful, Emperor thaurissan, Sylbanas Windrunner, The Curator, Ragnaros the Firelord, Ysera, N'Zoth the Corruptor

    Epic Cards:
    Druid: 2x Astral communion
    Hunter: Snake Trap. 2x Lock and load, 2x Call of the wild
    Mage: Arcane Keysmith, Tortolan Pilgrim
    Paladin: 2x Mysterious challanger
    Prist: Shadowform, Cabal Shadow Priest, 2x Lightbomb
    Rogue: Preperation, Patient Assasian, Spectral Cutlass
    Shman: Far Sight,2x Doomhammer, Earth Elemental, Bogshaper
    Warlock: Ratcatcher, Pit Lord, 2x Twisting Neether, 2x renounce darkness
    Warrior: Shield Slam, Bloodsworn Mercenary, Supercollider,2x Gorehowl
    Neutral: Mischief Maker, Murloc Warleader, Body Wrapper, Weaponized Pinata, 2x Faceless Manipulator

    Golden Cards:
    Druid: 1x Mark of the wild, 2x Healing Touch, 2x Wild Growth
    Hunter: 2x Timber Wolf, 2x Tracking, 1x Unleash the hounds, 1x Houndmaster
    Mage: 2x Arcane Missiles, 2x Mirror Image, 2x Arcane Explosion, 2x Frostbolt, 2x Arcane intellect, 2x forst nova, 2x fireball, 2x Polymorph, 2x Water elemental, 2x flamestrike
    Paladin: 2x Hand of protection, 2x Humility, 2x Holy Light, 1x Sounds the bells
    Prist: 2x holy smite, 2x radiance, 2x Divine Spirit, 1x Coffin Crasher
    Rogue: 2x Sinister Strike, 1x Eviscerate, 1x Plaguebringer
    Shaman: 2x Ancestral healing, 2x totemic might, 2x Frost shock, 1x Ghost light angler, 2x Rockbiter weapon, 2x Winderfury, 2x Flametonger totem, 2x hex, 2x windspeaker, 2x Bloodlust, 2x Fire elemental
    Warlock: 2x Sacrificial pacts, 2x corrution, 2x mortal coil, 2x soulfire, 2x voidwalker, 2x felstalker, 2x drain life, 1x sense demons, 2x shadow bolt, 2x helfire, 2x dread infernal
    Warrior: 2x Charge, 1x Shield slam, 2x Whirlwind, 2x cleave, 1x execute, 2x heroic strike, 2x shidl block, 2x Warsong commander, 2x Kor'kron elite
    Neutral: 1x Grimscale oracle, 1x yong princess, 2x frotswolf grunt, 2x dalaran mage, 2x ironforge rifleman, 2x mema rager, 1x body wrapper, 2x dragonling mechanic, 1x silvermoon guardian, 2x booty bay bodyguard, 2x frostwolf warlord, 1x venture Co. mercenary, 2x archmage, 2x boulderfist orge, 2x Reckless rocketeer

    Looking for offers! BTC as payment method.
    Start Contract
    #1 Hack Forums - Online, 11/2/19
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/15/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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