Sold [Selling] Hearthstone EU Account with 55 Legendaries

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Arminius92, 12/13/16.

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  1. Arminius92

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    Hello everyone,

    I'll keep it short.
    I'm selling a 3 months old EU Hearthstone Account with 55 Legendaries on it, from which are 11 from the new Gadgetzan expansion (2 Golden).
    The Account has no special things besides that is a fresh account with that many legendaries (all the most used are included) + Hunter and Warrior Hero skin.
    The closest Hero to Golden is Hunter with 192 wins, others are at 60-100, because as said, the account is only 3 months old.
    On it there is also an WoW Draenor Account with a lvl 100 Character.
    If you are interested, write me on Skype: armin1238 , there I can give you all screenshots from all the legendaries that are on it.
    As said, the account has all the legendaries that are/were played the most since The Old Gods expansion + all Adventures.

    Feel free to ask anything!! Take care all!!!
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