Overwatch: Level 35, clean rank record (0 games played), 1 lootbox. Screenshots upon request. Diablo 3: Beta account (achievement for proof). Played Season 4. Solo tier 65, with friends tier 70. Paragon 827. No necromancer expansion. Screenshots upon request. Hearthstone: Beta account. 100 Legendaries (1 golden), 150+ epics (16 golden), 90% of epics have 2 copies. 29 pages of gold neutrals/rares. 3195 Dust 2925 Gold. 5154 Total Wins. 790 Arena Wins. Highest Rank: Legend. Highest Arena: 12 wins. All expansions bought. Heroic only completed for naxxramus so you still get to experience them and unlock the card backs. Extra Heroes: Maiev, Morgl, Arthas. Current decks built: Big Priest, Highlander Priest, Quest Mage, Tempo Mage, Midrange Hunter, Discardlock, Control Warlock, Big Druid, Jade Druid, Aggro Druid, Murloc Palidin, Pirate Warrior, Miracle Rogue. Available to be built: Elemental Mage, Dragon Priest, Tempo Rogue, Combo Pali (with Uther of the Ebon Blade). If you're interested in wild, account has a great set of cards to play a lot of the old popular decks. Lvl 60 Golden Mage Lvl 60 Golden Shaman Lvl 60 Golden Druid Lvl 60 Golden Palidin Lvl 60 Golden Hunter Lvl 60 Golden Warrior Lvl 60 Golden Rogue Lvl 60 Warlock 288/500 Lvl 46 Pirest 67/500 Can play all the popular # decks and a lot of fun/quest decks. Screenshots of collection/stats upon request. I am still maintaining and completing daily quests. Serious offers pm me, thanks.