Sold [Selling] Hearthstone account with 100% collection (100% wild, 100% standard cards), 9/9 golden

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KornelBlablabowski, 3/18/19.

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  1. KornelBlablabowski

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    to not make this unnecessarily big.
    I am selling my exclusive, great HS account that I've been playing since the beta. I am selling it with great pain but I need as much money as I can get since I'm buying a brand-new appartment (and I need loads of money, selling almost everything that I own).

    This account has almost all seasonal/monthly cardbacks (unfortunately I missed a few, but its still vast majority of them). It also has legend cardback, 9/9 golden heroes, all shop alternate heroes (alleria, magni, medivh), + the others like morgl, mecha-jaraxxus etc. (no rastakhan, no khadgar - I missed those).

    What is more - 100% collection, all the cards, just like in the title... not sure what to say more. Let me know if you are interested. Either by PM or skype (joseph_ander).
    The price I expect is something along 1000 EUR, but we can always discuss it further.

    EDIT: EU account
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