Hello This time i have for sale my Battle.net Hearthstone account Like in the topic i've got 16 legendary cards and some of the cards already unlocked Recently i opened 26 packs of Gadgetzans cards and didn't get a Leg card but unlocked kinda lots of epic and mostly all of the Jade deck cards The only adventure left to unlock is karazhan coz lately i've been collecting gold to buy new packs I'm uploading all of the cards i own so u can check them out L the price im asking is 35$ which i guess is fair (Paypal or CS GO SKINS) and also there is a HOTS account with few characters bought already and lvled up u can contact me here on PW or on [email protected] I'm open for offers tho http://s288.photobucket.com/user/xt4...rthstone/story