Sold Selling Harbinger account w/ 80 million credits (highly repped on playerup) - FOUNDER -

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BlakeMiller, 2/27/17.

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  1. BlakeMiller

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    prefer buyer to be repped but not required

    currently unsubbed

    2 65s, 2 55s, and 2 50s
    -unused free 65 boost

    titles including but not limited to
    elite warlord (valor 100)
    warzone annihilator (pvp rating 2500+)

    1,708 cartel coins

    80 million credits in escrow

    50 Major Experience Boost (currently on gtn for 37.5 million credits)

    15 Dejarik Table (currently on gtn for 12 million credits)

    some of the most expensive armor sets in the game including but not limited to
    Gold Scalene Armor Set (currently on gtn for 32 million credits)
    Mira's Armor Set (currently on gtn for 2,399,999 credits)
    -also paid 800 cartel coins to gain access to the 2 armor sets above for all characters

    some of the most expensive weapons in the game including but not limited to
    DLA-13 Heavy Blaster Rifle (currently on gtn for 1,200,001 credits)
    -also paid 400 cartel coins to gain access to the 1 weapon above for all characters
    Ziost Guardian's Lightsaber (currently on gtn for 39 million credits)
    Cathar Warstaff (currently on gtn for 16,999,000 credits)

    some of the most expensive mounts in the game including but not limited to
    Czerka LD-1 Celebrator (currently on gtn for 17,250,000 credits)
    Ambassador's Meditation Hoverchair (not currently on gtn)
    Shadow Hand's Command Throne (currently on gtn for 95 million credits)
    -also paid 1200 cartel coins to gain access to the 3 mounts above for all characters

    one of the most expensive toys in the game
    Pocket Sarlacc (currently on gtn for 19,999,990 million credits)
    -also paid 400 cartel coins to gain access to the 1 toy above for all characters

    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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