Sold Selling H1Z1 Greendawn and other rare items accounts

Discussion in 'H1Z1 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lucret, 12/20/17.

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  1. Lucret

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    1. leet account: access to champions arena private servers and flamehoppers private servers

    Green Dawn AR-15
    Green Dawn Shotgun
    Green Dawn AK-47
    Patriot's Pride
    Mask of The Zombie King
    Mask of The Scarecrow

    Blue Rabbit Mask
    Pink Rabbit Mask
    Royalty Showdown AR-15
    Tribute 12GA Pump Shotgun .......................DO NOT TROLL ON MY THREADS, I WILL REPORT ANY TROLLING
    twitch prime skins
    Twitch Holiday Hoodie ...............................DO NOT TROLL ON MY THREADS, I WILL REPORT ANY TROLLING
    Royalty Military Backpack
    all emotes
    royalty all preseasons ...............................DO NOT TROLL ON MY THREADS, I WILL REPORT ANY TROLLING
    top300 in fives last preaseason
    Abs Shirt
    1600 hrs in h1z1
    account with 100 games+

    games included: csgo, h1z1, just survive, pubg, dirt3 and many more

    looking for 400$, preferable in h1z1 skins or csgo skins.
    ================================================== ============ 2-nd account ==================================================

    access to champions arena and erycs private server
    220 hrs played

    Greendawn AR
    Greendawn shotgun
    Showdown Crown Shirt
    Patriots Pride helmet

    Mask of the scarecrow ...........................................FOR INFO ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT, ADD THE ONE ABOVE
    Tribute 12GA Pump Shotgun
    Royalty Showdown AR-15
    games included: gta5 with 2 mil currency ingame

    price : 200$ in skins


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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