Sold Selling GWF IL 14k, 30+ LvL 12 Ench, 250 VIP 12, Legendary Pack, 5 more LvL 70 Chars

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gwf_seller_1212, 5/29/17.

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  1. gwf_seller_1212

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    I want to sell mine NW account with 4 LvL 70 characters - GWF, CW, GF, DC, and second account with LvL 70 HR and SW.

    All characters have max Leadership as well as some other professions.
    Main account has 250 more days of VIP LvL 12.

    Some of items on main account:
    T. Vorpal, T. Negation, Glorious Resurgence Legendary Pack (claim Tenser's Disk or any other Legendary Item), 70 more enchantment keys to open any lockbox, 30+ LvL 12 enchantment including Radiant, Azure, Quartermasters, 3x R12 Bonding Runestone, Legendary Fire archon companion and Ioun stone, Loyal avenger companion equipment, 11 different mounts (3 purple, and you can claim Legendary mount from Legendary Pack), 4000 Zen, around 2.500.000 AD (more then 150.000.000 AD if you sell items), Coal wards, 10+ pack of 99xPreservation Wards, thousands of RP items, etc.

    Second account is serving as Leadership resource gathering.

    If you are interested drop me an offer at: [email protected]
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