Selling Selling Gwent account boosting

Discussion in 'Gwent Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lokopoco, 12/15/17.

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  1. lokopoco

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    Greetings everyone, i am officially opening a gwent account boosting service for certain desired levels (legitimately HAND BOOSTED MYSELF)
    NOTICE: And will only be able to take two customers at a time only, and for those who still wish to boost their will be a que or line.
    (IMPORTANT NOTICE): payment will only be done via Paypal, under friends and family where the buyer will go first, no exceptions.

    LVL 1-10 $5USD (ETA- 1-2days)
    LVL 1-20 $15USD (ETA-2-3)
    LVL 1-30 $25USD (ETA-3-5days)
    LVL 1-40 $45USD (ETA-5-7days)
    LVL 1-45 $50USd (ETA- 5-8 days)

    (please take note that i will not be powerleveling accounts past lvl 45

    for other prices which do not fall under this category listed, we can negoitiate depending on what level you are and whats the desired level you wish to reach

    Please add me discord: BigBun#9198
    or click on discord logo under my name, if you require confirmation that is me ill be happy to message you back on playerup to confirm that you are talking to me personally, for other inquiries please contact me.
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