Sold Selling Gwamm Pre Hot Acct.50/50 HoM, 16k+ ap, x7 80s, Ascended Gear, Skins. Cheap $70

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by firstn20, 1/9/17.

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  1. firstn20

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    Greetings playerup,

    I'm selling my Pre HoT GW2 Account with the GWAMM title (God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals), as well as all other HoM titles from GW1. Looking to sell for $70. Send me a private message if you have any questions. I'm highly repped so purchase with confidence:

    -16k+ Achievement Points
    -7 level 80s (Mesmer, x2 Elementalist, Warrior, Thief, Guardian, Ranger)
    -100% map completion on the Thief
    -WvW level 300+
    -Wolf PvP Rank
    -Thief, Ranger, Warrior, Elementalist and Guardian all has ascended accessories and exotic armor and weapons
    -Fractal Level 38
    -Over 43 titles including GWAMM, Champion of the Gods, Closer to the Stars, Ghostly Hero etc...
    -Has some pretty cool skins such as the Balthazar outfit, Super Adventure Box weapons, Fractal Weapons, Holographic Shattered Wings Backpiece, Jack in the Box, Dream-clever Logging Axe, Bone Pick, Fractal Capacitor, Zenith Weapons, Tier 3 Armor Skins, Dungeon Armor Sets
    -170,000+ Karma/313 Spirit Shards/56 Laurels/126 Transmutation Charges/6000 Badges of Honor/4500 Fractal Relics/45 Pristine Fractal Relics/73 Guild Commendations/600+ Dungeon Tokens/
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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