Sold Selling GW2 with Hot 5 80s mastery 40

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jmetacarpa, 2/13/17.

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  1. jmetacarpa

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    This account has an 80 necro max artififcer and tailor
    80 ranger max jeweler and cook
    80 warrior max chef and jeweler
    80 elementist max huntsman and leatherworker
    80 revenant no skills
    30 engineer
    42 guardian max armor and weaponsmith
    And 7 mesmer
    Thats 8 available character slots
    Many unlocked bag slots and bank slots
    A few crafted mats for legendaries
    815 gold
    Alot of unlocked wardrobe stuff dyes ect
    Infinirarium glider crystaline wings golden feather wings snowflake gilder
    Any other questions hit me up on skype [email protected]
    Thats also my email
    Not asking alot for it need to sell asap message me for more info

    Also willing to consider a wow gold trade for the account doesnt matter what server or faction
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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