Sold Selling Gw2 HOTS Account First Owner, Legendary armor rdy and more stuff

Discussion in 'Guild Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Leomessi, 12/14/16.

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  1. Leomessi

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    Hallo everybody, i want to sell my GW2 HOTS account because i dont have allot of time to play it anymore, playing some other games like Hearthstone and fifa 17. Poeple can bet on my account and i selling it when i see that somebody have bet a reasonable price for my account. I have the Serial code and order mail to to give it to the buyer.

    Time: 1978 Hours played GW2
    8720 Mastery points 140 Mastery

    Main Warrior berserker Mapo completion100%, Full ascended Berserker stats
    Elemantelist, Full ascended
    Revenant Herarld Map completion 100%, Full ascended Berserker stats
    Thief Daredevil Map completion 100% half ascended
    311 Tome of knowledge in bank to make almost 4 new characters

    Legendarys: Twilight for Sell

    Armor smith and blacksmith on LVL 500

    Skins: Twilight and Sunrise

    4250 +/- obsidian shards

    Commander tag

    Here a few Screenshots think i forget some thing to show but you can ask for it in the commands.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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