Sold Selling Gw2 HoT | Thief main Account 9x80 Lv Classes with specs 167 Mastery + 3 Leges

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hellangel45, 12/27/16.

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  1. Hellangel45

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    This is my very own account, i can supply all information required. I am selling this because i'm short on money and i'm a university student at final year. My gaming pc is broken since last summer's end ( couldn't play any proper game for months ) so i need to recover from this situation and this is my opportunity to quit gaming a bit and get something i need like ( fixing my broken iphone screen etc ).

    About the account!126403185/

    Pictures of my all characters and the levels of progression through various events.

    All my characters have exclusive hair styles and colors which cost plenty of gems to do so not to mention most of the unique skins which come from various events :)

    my main character : ( sorry for the low graphics, my mac can't handle more :p )

    My skype : skyliqht1
    My steam :

    This is the website and i pretty much explained all the characters and their specs. Account got to legendary once in PvP and got the new PvP legendary wings. Thief has HOPE Pistol + Incinerator dagger. My thief is almost top quality in terms of pvp builds / item stats but only thing my thief doesn't have is a legendary shortbow and a legendary armor. So if you want to be on the top of food chain, you know what to do. :) I've provided imgur link for account info with well-written descriptions but if you still have questions i also provided skype / steam to contact me or you can message me from here directly. But i suggest using others since i can reply faster from those platforms.

    The account is on EU servers, Gandara.

    275 Dollars from western union or from the website link i've given If you have trust issues because i don't go first in trades.( Which is totally understandable )
    Or we can do middleman services from but you'll have to pay their fees which is usually around 10$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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