Hello, Was bad at school so will not bother making this post beautiful.. Selling my GW2 account: *both expantions *5 legendaries (nevermore, meteorlogicus, frostfang, ad infinitum, aurora) *9 level 80 characters (all classes, all elite specs) *300+legendary insights, Eternal, Demons Demise, complete legendary armor collection *9 full sets of ascended armor on all characters+ weapons+ one char is basically an ascended item mule *15500+ achievment points *~900 raw gold, 10k spirit shards, 35 transmute charges,1.4k mangnetite shards, 27k fractal relic+2700 prestine *infinite mist omnipotion *mostly PvE account with mostly PvE achievments, 0 PvP achievments so GL grinding https://imgur.com/a/XBD0b here are some pictures, if you want proof of all characters having all ascended gear (armor, weapons and trinkets) feel free to ask. Make your offers and be fair. If you are interested, please take contact! Thank you.