Selling [Selling] Gw2 290k+ acc value, of which 40k liquid gold (items that can be sold). Update

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by erichware, 12/12/23.

  1. erichware

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    Hello everyone. Just updating my initial post.

    I decided it is time to stop playing gw2. I don't feel safe with sharing to many details of the account just in case anyone tries to report me as this account is probably easier to recognize by Anet, maybe idk how this works, so I will try not to overshare. If you have any questions I will answer them via pm.

    All of these values are true at the time of posting and might still go up depending on how much I feel like playing, this account is maybe stranger then most as I've done a bit of everything but making gold and ******** where my two main things in game soooo it looks a bit interesting. This account has amongst other things

    - All 3 expansions and living world episodes

    - 291k account worth. Of which 40k+ gold is liquid gold in items (liquid gold can be removed to reduce price of trade). A lot of the account worth is in unlocked skins 70k+, acc upgrades 35k+ leg armory 25k+ atm, plus the other acc bound stuff at around 45k+

    - 69+ alt characters most of them at level 80 parked at various spots for daily farming. Working on getting them all to level 80 atm + bags on all of them between 80-100 slots on most alts. The classes I actually play having more then that on at least one character of that class

    - All the shared inv slots, bank upgrades including mat storage. With a permanent bank, trading post, upgrade tool and all the other usual shared inventory slot items. Missing personal merchant and makeover kit, but I do have over 150 makeover kits.

    - All crafting professions at max level ofc, some on multiple characters.

    - Rank 90+ in pvp and rank 600+ in wvw

    - Legendary equipment: Medium and Heavy raid armor finished. Working on light still need 60~ LI. Working on 2nd wvw ring more then halfway there now. PvP and WvW leg bags unlocked. Aurora and Vision unlocked working on the amulet atm most of it is done got the DRM left (hate those) + 7 leg weapons. 7 leg Runes and 4 leg sigils now crafted.

    - Up to 60 alt accounts for daily log in.

    And a lot more.

    DISCORD: erichse
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.