Sold Selling GW1+GW2/7X80 Chars, very old account, black feather wings and more

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by misha999, 2/23/17.

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  1. misha999

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    Games connected to the account (2006 creation):
    Guild Wars
    Guild Wars Prophecies
    Guild Wars Factions
    Guild Wars Nightfall
    Guild Wars Eye of the North

    Guild wars 2
    Guild wars 2: Heart of Thorns

    Hall of monuments in GW1 50/50 done
    God walking amongst mere mortals
    over 3k hours playtime in gw1

    Living story in guild wars 2:
    season 1 done
    season 2 and 3 unlocked

    7x80 characters on GW2 (3 of which are over 4 years old) with 1,5k hours playtime across them

    estimated account value around 9500gold at the moment according to gw2efficiency (not 9500 in cash to spend.)
    little under 9k AP

    5 crafts maxed (others 400+)
    100%map completion in gw2 base version of the game

    full heavy ascended set
    full medium ascended set
    7 ascended weapons
    4 ascended backpieces
    3 sets of ascended jewellery
    plenty of spirit shards, laurels, karma, fractal and dungeon tokens
    many additional bag slots across characters
    4 bank slots
    4 outfits
    aviator sunglasses
    black feather wings
    over 900 unlocked skins
    almost 200 unlocked dyes
    watchwork mining pick
    frost wasp logging tool

    payment: paypal only

    skype: revanwasawookie

    price: 250$ (#, but the faster and the higher the bid - the bigger chance You will get the account, who knows who will appear the next day.)

    after the payment i'll send You login and passwords to both the account and e-mail account so You won't have to be worried about anything
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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