Sold Selling Gunslinger Lv 68 136k Gs 235 k Might Server Tidewater

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ezreal98, 4/22/17.

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  1. ezreal98

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    Selling Gunslinger Lv 68 136k Gs ( various pieces From Lv 49 to 69 -- Materials ready to convert Lv remaining 3 pieces 49 to Lv 59 ) secondary weapon From Army coins lv 69 +13 Awakened and drill socket opened - Every pieces of Gear is enchanted +10 Full Socket Drilled and awakened purple talisman upgraded to lv 5 Pvp mark Lv 3 and some Lv4 ---- Pve marks Lv 3, 200 Aurum And 1,3 million Imperial coins

    Demonslayer Tier 7 , Pvp rank Crimson Palladion 1

    Arcane arts 30/ 60 --- Guild cultivation skills Lv 40/60

    Special skill upgrade : Deadeye shot x 9 dao focus ( damage +20%/when the target is below 50 % healt damage increased by 40%)

    Skins : fashion pack owned demonslayer Skin tier 7 Crafted --- A lot of accessories

    Life skill : gathering Lv 27 Alchemy lv 21 chapter 8 opened

    I'm listening for offerts

    If you are intersted contact me Here
    Whatsapp 3271077793
    Facebook. :
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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