Sold Selling Guild Wars 2 + HoT + gw1 15 hom points linked

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xiemus, 1/2/17.

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  1. Xiemus

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    Hello there!
    I would like to sell my guild wars 2 account with HoT and guild wars 1 (15 hom points) linked.
    There are 5 characters lv.80 on it, 3 are fully ascended (armor, weapon, jewels, backpack, underwater weapon and aquabreather).
    When it comes to legendary items, there is Howler, Bolt, Frostfang and Ad Infinitum. Got many skins, including gemstore ones unlocked, toys, tonics, lava lounge pass, it's hard to list it all.
    I'm close to reaching 20.000 ap (it's 19.750ish), every living story season 2 episode is unlocked.
    I need to sell it, cause i've runned into financial problems, will provide cd-key, date when i've bought it and activated, my name, birthdate, adress, everything you need to talk with support.
    Haven't been banned, didn't used anything beside Immersive combat mode (legit, there is a topic about it on guild wars 2 forum).
    I've been in guild once, 2 years ago, nothing since that, so you nobody will notice something changed.
    Guild wars 1 account has prophecies and nightfall unlocked (wasn't really a fan of first game).
    If you have any questions, ill be glad to answer or provide more screenshots.

    I'm running out of time, so, if you are interested, don't wait.

    Price - 180 euro (but we can negotiate)



    Edited - seems like i've missed screenshots.
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