Sold Selling Guild Wars 2 Account+ Hot Ultimate 3x80s - Eternity+Meteorlogicus-Skins-Dyes

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Issa Gold, 1/18/17.

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  1. Issa Gold

    Issa Gold
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    Very nice Guild Wars 2 account

    Account comes with 2 legendaries. Tons of rare dyes and skins. Has hot expansion as well.*

    Account is mine I am the original owner.*

    Looking for osrs gp

    This account is in the top %25 of wealth in Gw2.*

    All 80s equipped with full exotic berserkers gear.*

    Account has a ton of spirit shards plus other currencies including laurels and karma.

    A/W for this account is 150m osrs gold.
    This is a steal as this account has over 3k worth of skins, dyes and legendaries unlocked.

    Has a ton of mats in the bank and ton of ascended mats as well.

    The account hasn't much completed so you can enjoy the Hot story yourself. Gliding is unlocked.

    Full album of pictures here

    Account email will be switched to yours and you will be given the game key as well.

    Please post your skype if your interested in trading. Only accepting OSRS Gold or BTC.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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